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CEC Co., Ltd

China Electronic Corporation (also called “China Electronics” in short) was established in May 1989. In 1995, it was further authorized by the former Ministry of Electronics Industry to operate and manage the state-owned assets of all enterprises under the Ministry. In 2000, it became a key state-owned enterprise directly managed by the central government. In August 2005, the company reorganized and integrated China Great Wall Computer Group. In 2007, it reorganized and integrated 7 electronics companies in Nanjing, including Panda Electronics Group. In 2009, the company acquired TPV Technology Co., Ltd. And Solomon Systech Limited. In 2010, CEC reorganized and integrated China Zhenhua Electronics Group Corporation. In 2012, it reorganized and integrated China Jinjiang Info Industrial Co., Ltd. At the end of 2012, with the approval of the State Council, Caihong Group Co., Ltd., was entirely integrated into CEC. In 2014, Great Wall Technology Co., Ltd. was privatized and delisted in the Hong Kong stock market. At present, CEC has 20 wholly-owned and controlled secondary enterprises, 14 listed companies and 150,000 employees.
